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Parravicini House

  • Art & Culture
Parravicini House


  • Villages
Cernobbio, Villa d'Este, Lago di Como

Villa Fogazzaro Roi

The villa’s original furnishing has been maintained alongside a reconstruction of the author’s study in the Alcove room
  • Art & Culture
Villa Fogazzaro Roi

Palazzo Silva Persichelli

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Silva Persichelli

San Salvatore

Una delle testimonianze più importanti e meglio conservate di architettura religiosa alto-medievale
  • Art & Culture
San Salvatore

The Ropemakers' Museum

  • Art & Culture
The Ropemakers' Museum

Chapel of teodolinda

In the Cathedral of Monza, a chapel tells the story of Queen Teodolinda.
  • Religious Tourism
Chapel of Teodolinda

Grumello Castle

  • Art & Culture
Grumello Castle