
Via Pompeo Litta 6, Milano
Official site

If there's a place where you feel really like at home, it's Miscusi. It doesn't only feel like home because pasta is homemade, like the one your grandma used to make, but because the vibe is so relaxed and the atmosphere so warm. The result is that, every time you don't feel like cooking and want to eat well but without overdoing it or simply spend a quiet and nice evening go to Miscusi because you know what you get.

But let's start from the beginning, talking on how this little place became a cult among the Milanese people, so successful that in less than a year a second restaurant opened, with the same name and the same formula. The idea is simple, like its name: two enterprising guys, Alberto Cartasegna and Filippo Mottolese, decided to put in Milan's huge restaurant scene a chain of pasta fast-foods where the winning aspect is the union of quality and simplicity.

Even if on the paper Miscusi is a fast-food, it is more a place where to just feel good. Pasta is made in the visible workshop with freshly milled grain and perfectly cooked. You pick everything: from paccheri to spaghetti, whole wheat or gluten-free, with classic, seasonal and high-quality condiments. You go from titans like the carbonara to more homely recipes like pasta with pesto or Bolognese ragout, to the most requested must, the pasta with cherry tomato, basil, burrata cheese, pistachio cream and cruchy pistachios.

Wash all of this down with a glass of wine or a beer and the deed is done. Everything has easy prices (a dish oscillates between 7 and 13 euros) and a gentle staff, always precise and available. Miscusi is a pasta start-up, a fast-food that is both inside and out of the usual pattern, with dishes that are genuine, traditional and familiar.

Opening hours

Monday - Sunday: 12.00 - 15.30 / 19.30 - 23.00

Other links

Take me here: Miscusi