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Marta and the Elephant

The event is the pre-view of Stefano Bombardieri's exhibition at Fodri Palace

Friday the 2nd of July at 6.30 p.m., in Cortile Federico II, it was unveiled the sculpture Marta and the Elephant by Stefano Bombardieri. The initiative is in line with the great success of the artwork by Bombardieri installed in Della Vittoria Square in Brescia. The artist is interested in the dialogue with the most important public spaces in Italy, an opportunity to offer new points of view about the re-organization of the urban space.
The project was born from a synergy promoted by the Cultural Department of Cremona with the gallery PQV FINE ART in Cremona and the GARE82 in Brescia. The event precedes the opening of the exhibition dedicated to this artist from Brescia which will be organized in Fodri Palace on the 9th of July and which will be curated by Matteo Graniti, curator of Lu.C.C.A. Museum.

Take me here: Marta and the Elephant

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