- Art & Culture
Ecomuseo del Paesaggio Lomellino
Ecomuseum of the Lomellina Landscape
Castles, abbeys, basilicas, noble palaces. And then heronries, water springs, mounds, ancient Roman roads. With one common denominator: rice.
This is the Ecomuseum of the Lomellina Landscape, a comprehensive project for the protection, enhancement, and promotion of Lomellina, a region with a millennia-old cultural heritage that can rightly be defined as the "Lombard Mesopotamia" because it is nestled between the Po River to the south, the Sesia to the west, and the Ticino to the east, in the western part of the province of Pavia. It is a widspread museum, composed of natural landmarks and expressions of both material and immaterial culture.
The Ecomuseum is a museum of time and space: it is a museum of time, where knowledge expands and branches out through the past lived by the community to reach the present, with an eye on the future; it is a museum of space, meaning significant areas where one can pause, walk, and admire the environment.
The Ecomuseum, which aims to present the collective memory of a community and the territory that hosts it, outlining coherent lines for future development, intervenes in the community's space by proposing as "museum objects" not only the artifacts of daily life but also the landscapes, architecture, craftsmanship, and oral testimonies of tradition.
Opening hours
Tel. +390382 998026 – +390382 998208
Cellulari: +39 328 7816360 – +39 375 5504241 – +39 331 1905700
Email: ecomuseopaesaggiolom@alice.it – info@ecomuseopaesaggiolomellino.it
Coordinatore: direzione@ecomuseopaesaggiolomellino.it