- Active & Green
Aereoclub in Sondrio
Hover in the sky like butterflies, letting yourself be carried away by the high currents like seagulls in search of freedom
Hovering in the sky like butterflies, letting yourself be carried away by the high currents like seagulls in search of freedom and, from above, admiring the superb crown of the Rhaetian Alps.
These are the priceless emotions that the Aeroclub of Sondrio offers to those who, from the operational base of Caiolo, face the thrill of a flight be it in recreation airplane or in glider. The Aeroclub, whose registered office is located at the Aviosuperficie di Caiolo (a few kilometers from Sondrio) has a Club House that represents the reference and meeting point, the secretarial office active on weekends and on holidays, a meeting place with private bar, meeting room and classroom for didactic use for the VDS and Sailing schools. The large terrace, with veranda, and the garden adjacent to the Club House allow free access to the public in a limited and safe area with a panoramic view of the track and the surrounding airport area.
Here are the activities proposed: motorized, sailing, pleasure and sports flights.
The Sondrio Aeroclub instructors are waiting for you in Caiolo to experience the thrills of a flight!
Aeroclub Secretary: +39 0342/355176
Website: https://www.aeroclubdisondrio.org/
E-mail: info@aeroclubdisondrio.org
Airfield: +39 0342/355203