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Phone: 0344/66217





Porlezza, lago di Piano

  • Lakes
Porlezza, lago di Piano
8.16 km

Rifugio Menaggio

Balcony on lake Como
  • Active & Green
Rifugio Menaggio
8.85 km

Caves, Speleo Activities and Orrido

  • Active & Green
Caves, Speleo Activities and Orrido
10.58 km

The Rogolone and the Rogolino

  • Active & Green
The Rogolone and the Rogolino
10.67 km

San Mamete - The village on the water

  • Villages
San Mamete - The village on the water
10.95 km

Menaggio e Cadenabbia Golf Club

  • Golf
Menaggio Cadenabbia Golf Club, Grandola e Uniti (CO)
11.55 km

Museo della Barca Lariana

The boats of Lake Como celebrate in a Museum in Pianello Lario
  • Art & Culture
museo barca lariana
11.58 km

The Val Sanagra Park

A beautiful territory close to Menaggio
  • Active & Green
Val Sanagra Park - Mulino Carliseppi
11.61 km

Claino - The "painted village of Ceresio"

  • Villages
Claino - The "painted village of Ceresio"
11.74 km

L'Antica Strada Regina

On foot from Menaggio to Rezzonico along the ancient pilgrim route
  • Active & Green
Castello di Rezzonico
11.85 km

Villa Fogazzaro Roi

The villa’s original furnishing has been maintained alongside a reconstruction of the author’s study in the Alcove room
  • Art & Culture
Villa Fogazzaro Roi
12.07 km

Castle of Rezzonico

  • Art & Culture
Castle of Rezzonico
12.33 km

La Crocetta

The trenches of the Linea Cadorna
  • Art & Culture
View from the Crocetta
12.64 km

Centre and lakeside of Menaggio

  • Villages
Centre and lakeside of Menaggio
12.85 km

Parish church of S. Stefano

  • Art & Culture
S. Stefano
12.86 km

Villa mylius vigoni

Rich of suggestions, memories and ancient trees, the park of Villa Vigoni is one of the best preserved romantic gardens in Lombardy
  • Art & Culture
Villa Mylius Vigoni
12.92 km

Il Rogolone

The big oak tree
Il Rogolone
12.92 km

Monument to the silk weaver

  • Art & Culture
Monumento alla Tessitrice
12.92 km

Itinerario a quiz per Menaggio

  • Art & Culture
medieval sculpture
12.92 km

Church of S. Marta

  • Art & Culture
Church of S. Marta
13.05 km