Casale del Cantico


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 3496222502





Salvini museum

Innocenzo Salvini art gallery in Cocquio Trevisago
  • Art & Culture
Salvini museum
1.95 km


Between history and art: from Valcuvia man to erratic boulders
  • Art & Culture
2.48 km

Necropoli di Caravate

  • Art & Culture
Necropoli di Caravate
2.73 km

Villa della Porta Bozzolo

Villa Bozzolo, with its Rococo trompe-l’oeil and walls and Baroque decor, is one of Lombardy’s best-known “pleasure villas”.
  • Art & Culture
Villa della Porta Bozzolo
2.78 km

The Lime Tree of Orino

  • Art & Culture
The Lime Tree of Orino
3.02 km


The town of painted houses
  • Art & Culture
3.78 km

Church of the invention of santo stefano

  • Religious Tourism
Church of the Invention of Santo Stefano
4.42 km

Underwater Nativity

  • Lifestyle
Ph: I Mille
4.48 km


  • Villages
5.17 km

Laveno Mombello

  • Lakes
Laveno Mombello
5.79 km

Laveno Mombello | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Lakes
Laveno Mombello | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
5.79 km

Lake Maggiore villages

  • Lakes
Lake Maggiore villages
5.79 km


  • Lakes
5.79 km

The hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso

  • Religious Tourism
The hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso
6.14 km

International museum of ceramic design

  • Art & Culture
International Museum of Ceramic Design
6.65 km

From Varese to Campo dei Fiori

Segregated bike lanes, fishing villages and historic parks. On the roads of a memorable edition of the Road World Cycling Championships
  • Cycle Tourism
The Basilica of San Vittore in Varese
7.01 km

Cassano Valcuvia

An area immersed in nature and history
  • Active & Green
Cassano Valcuvia
7.99 km

Swimmable Beaches on Lake Maggiore

  • Lakes
Grassy lakeside with lake and mountains and people walking and engaging in activities at sunset.
8.6 km

Golf Club Varese

Golf Club Varese offers incomparably beautiful views that embrace Monte Rosa, the Maggiore, Varese and Monate lakes.
  • Golf
Golf Club Varese, Luvinate (VA)
8.67 km

Golf dei Laghi

The undulating of the Golf dei Laghi, hilly course offers breathtaking views of Monte Rosa and Lake Maggiore, making the game enjoyable.
  • Golf
Golf dei Laghi, Travedona Monate (VA)
9 km