B&B Casa Verbena


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 0332.626419
E-mail: somisso@alice.it




  • Giardino
  • Parcheggio/garage
  • Servizio shuttle (stazione ferroviaria)
  • Si accettano animali di piccola taglia


Church of the invention of santo stefano

  • Religious Tourism
Church of the Invention of Santo Stefano
305 mt

Underwater Nativity

  • Lifestyle
Ph: I Mille
1.1 km


  • Villages
2 km

Necropoli di Caravate

  • Art & Culture
Necropoli di Caravate
2.42 km

The hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso

  • Religious Tourism
The hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso
2.53 km

International museum of ceramic design

  • Art & Culture
International Museum of Ceramic Design
2.6 km

Laveno Mombello

  • Lakes
Laveno Mombello
2.67 km

Laveno Mombello | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Lakes
Laveno Mombello | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
2.67 km

Lake Maggiore villages

  • Lakes
Lake Maggiore villages
2.67 km


  • Lakes
2.67 km

Salvini museum

Innocenzo Salvini art gallery in Cocquio Trevisago
  • Art & Culture
Salvini museum
4.24 km


Between history and art: from Valcuvia man to erratic boulders
  • Art & Culture
5.92 km

Villa della Porta Bozzolo

Villa Bozzolo, with its Rococo trompe-l’oeil and walls and Baroque decor, is one of Lombardy’s best-known “pleasure villas”.
  • Art & Culture
Villa della Porta Bozzolo
6.65 km

The Lime Tree of Orino

  • Art & Culture
The Lime Tree of Orino
7.04 km


The town of painted houses
  • Art & Culture
7.29 km

The Borromean Islands: Isola Bella, Isola dei Pescatori and Isola Madre

  • Lakes
The Borromean Islands: Isola Bella, Isola dei Pescatori and Isola Madre
7.92 km

Swimmable Beaches on Lake Maggiore

  • Lakes
Grassy lakeside with lake and mountains and people walking and engaging in activities at sunset.
8.63 km


  • Lakes
8.75 km

Golf dei Laghi

The undulating of the Golf dei Laghi, hilly course offers breathtaking views of Monte Rosa and Lake Maggiore, making the game enjoyable.
  • Golf
Golf dei Laghi, Travedona Monate (VA)
9.07 km

From Varese to Campo dei Fiori

Segregated bike lanes, fishing villages and historic parks. On the roads of a memorable edition of the Road World Cycling Championships
  • Cycle Tourism
The Basilica of San Vittore in Varese
10.79 km