- Itinerari
From Alpe Piasci to Alpe Airale
After buying the pass at the ticket vending machine near the town hall of Torre S. Maria, take the agro-sylvo-pastoral road leading to the mountain huts. Drive carefully along the road, as the it is narrow and partially untarmacked. The hike begins at a parking located at an elevation of 1720 m a.s.l..
Follow the signs to Alpe Piasci and enjoy the wonderful sight of the Bernina range.
It takes 1hr 30 min to reach Rifugio Bosio along an easy trail that zizgags through the thick fir wood and finally leads to Alpe Palù (1971 m a.s.l.) and after just a few minutes, Rifugio Bosio.
Return: return on the same trail or descend towards Alpe Campascio, Alpe Zana and then Alpe Arcoglio Superiore (2 hrs 30 min from Rifugio Bosio to the car parking).
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