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Park of the Ticino Valley

The park covers about 92,000 hectares from Lake Maggiore to the confluence with the River Po
  • Parks
Park of the Ticino Valley

The Ginkgo Biloba of Bertone Park

  • Active & Green
The Ginkgo Biloba of Bertone Park

Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia

Una storia al femminile
  • Art & Culture
Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia vista dall'alto

Alpe Giumello

  • Parks
Alpe Giumello

Parco Adda Sud

  • Active & Green
Parco Adda Sud

Sempione Park

  • Active & Green
Sempione Park

The Prehistoric Park

Come to the park and discover the protagonists of the history and of the life on the Earth
  • Parks
The Prehistoric Park

Bosco Virgiliano

Today the Bosco is the biggest park in the town and is managed by the Associazione Anticittà
  • Active & Green
Bosco Virgiliano