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It is located in a landscape of medium and low plain, designed in time by the Mincio and still dominated by country roads and canals
  • Villages
Village of Goito

Mantovano truffle

  • Food & Wine
Mantovano truffle

Bosco Virgiliano

Today the Bosco is the biggest park in the town and is managed by the Associazione Anticittà
  • Active & Green
Bosco Virgiliano

The Bertone Park

Today visitors can use the many paths and walkways to explore the villa’s grounds and admire the lake and the rich vegetation
  • Parks
Parco delle Bertone

Palazzo Ducale of Mantua

The beauty of Palazzo Ducale, the Gonzaga residence, is hard to describe. It's maybe the most architecturally dense palace of its period.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Ducale - Mantova - @inLombardia

Lago di Mezzo

  • Art & Culture
Lago di Mezzo - skyline Mantova

House of Rigoletto

  • Art & Culture
House of Rigoletto - Credits.

Lambrusco Mantovano Doc

  • Active & Green
Lambrusco Mantovano Doc