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The colli dei Longobardi wine route

  • Food & Wine
The colli dei Longobardi wine route

Villa Melzi d'Eril

Villa Melzi is a residential villa belonging to the Melzi family that looks out onto the River Adda
  • Art & Culture
Villa Melzi D'Eril

Museo Baroffio e del Santuario del Sacro Monte sopra Varese | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Art & Culture
Museo Baroffio e del Santuario del Sacro Monte sopra Varese | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

Swimmable Beaches on Lake Maggiore

  • Lakes
Grassy lakeside with lake and mountains and people walking and engaging in activities at sunset.

The Ginkgo Biloba of Bertone Park

  • Active & Green
The Ginkgo Biloba of Bertone Park

The Republican Sanctuary

  • Art & Culture
The Republican Sanctuary

Piazza Garibaldi in Casalmaggiore

  • Art & Culture
Piazza Garibaldi in Casalmaggiore

Village of Fortunago

In the green Oltrepò Pavese, Fortunago is the perfect example of recovering the atmosphere of the past, of the beauty of simple things.
  • Villages