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Villa Clerici

Villa Clerici was one of the most luxurious villas on the Canal and in the entire Milan area.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Clerici

Piccolo Teatro

"An Arts Theatre for Everyone" since 1947.
  • Art & Culture
Piccolo Teatro

Roman Theatre of Milan

Discover the Roman Theatre of Milan
  • Art & Culture
Roman Theatre of Milan

San Lorenzo Basilica

Majestic, it is preceded by 16 Roman columns, with Corinthian capitals, which delimit one side of the late-antique portico
  • Religious Tourism
San Lorenzo Basilica

Vicolo dei Lavandai

The Vicolo dei Lavandai is an enchanting place where, with a bit of imagination, you can step back in time.
  • Art & Culture
Vicolo dei Lavandai

Brera Picture Gallery

  • Art & Culture
Brera Picture Gallery

Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia

Una storia al femminile
  • Art & Culture
Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia vista dall'alto

Sempione Park

  • Active & Green
Sempione Park