I found 22 results for alberi monumentali

The Michoacan Pine at Villa Melzi

A few steps from the Moorish kiosk of Villa Melzi, the very special Michoacan pine fascinates with its branches caressing the lake.

Royal gardens of monza

40 hectares for romantic walks, between art and nature. The Monza Royal Gardens also contain a charming rose garden.
Giardini Reali di Villa Reale, Monza - @inLombardia

Palazzo Annoni

Villa Annoni is a historic 19th century villa in Cuggiono, in the metropolitan city of Milan.
Palazzo Annoni

Gardens Monza

Relax and nature among the rose gardens in Villa Reale of Monza and in the parks of the province.
Mete verdi lombardia

10 Good reasons to visit Varese

The Black Poplars of Cremona

The large black poplars around the Museo della Civiltà Contadina (Museum of Rural Civilisation) are the perfect arboreal representatives of the Po Valley.

Val Masino, the untamed heart of the Rhaetic mountains

Outdoor activities and chilling in Europe's little Yosemite. Mountains and valleys where nature rules supreme and the man who enjoys it respects its beauty
Val Masino, cuore selvaggio delle Retiche

The Scots Pine of Paspardo

Un secolare Pino silvestre cresce possente a pochi passi da importanti incisioni rupestri.

Monza Park

From Varese to Campo dei Fiori

Segregated bike lanes, fishing villages and historic parks. On the roads of a memorable edition of the Road World Cycling Championships
The Basilica of San Vittore in Varese