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Mirabello Cultura 2025
Rassegna culturale XIV edizione, direzione artistica Antonetta Carrabs, Elisabetta Motta, Ettore Radice
Cultural Festival 13th edition
Artistic Direction Antonetta Carrabs, Elisabetta Motta, Ettore Radice
Free admission with reservations required: pro.monza@tiscali.it
-Friday, June 7 Parish San Gerardo al Corpo
Literary concert "Gerardo Tintore, the saint of Monza. Dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs. Reciting voices Antonetta Carrabs, Silvia Messa, Raffaella Fossati. With the extraordinary participation of the choir of San Gerardo.
- Saturday 15 6 p.m. Villa Reale Hall of Mirrors
"In the Name of Orpheus: Shamanism and Initiation. Inside the mystery." with Massimo Maggiari. Introduced by Paolo Pezzaglia.
-Friday 21 Auditorium E. Pogliani San Gerardo Hospital.
Medicine and Philosophy, a story to be discovered. "Anxiety and Anguish in the Changing Society" with Vincenzo Costa Philosopher.
- Saturday, June 22 at 5 p.m. Hall of Mirrors Villa Reale
Generation Z The green Poetry Revolution 2024 first ediz. Poetry/literary kermesse intended for young poets or poetry lovers from 18 to 30 years old. One can compete by sending to: presidenza@lacasadellapoesiadimonza.it a poem dedicated to nature and its preservation.
- Friday, 17 at 4:30 p.m. Auditorium E. Pogliani Ospedale San Gerardo
Medicine and Philosophy, a story to be discovered "The Principles of Bioethics" with Roberta Sala, philosopher.
From Saturday 14 to Sunday 22 Argenterie Villa Reale
Saturday 14 to Sunday 22 Solo exhibition of Gabriella Tornotti
-Friday 27 at 16.30 Auditorium E. Pogliani Ospedale San Gerardo
Medicine and Philosophy, a relationship to be discovered "Lectio Magistralis" with Massimo Cacciari
- Friday 11 at 6 p.m. The Mirabello Musicians and Poets' Coterie
Villa Mirabello Park of Monza. Poetic Concert "Eugenio Montale" Dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs With Elisabetta Motta Chamber Music - In collaboration with Gli Amci della Musica di Monza
- Monza Poetry and Arts Festival V ediz.
Friday 25 Lectio Magistralis for schools Auditorium Confindustria
Saturday 26 Villa Reale Sala degli Specchi
Roundtable with experts
- Saturday 23 at 5,30 Villa Reale Sala degli Specchi
Monza Poetry Prize "Isabella Monza" 14th edition
- Saturday 30 Hall of Honor Villa Reale of Monza
Benefit concert in favor of Don Giulio Farina Association
- Sunday 15 6 pm.00 Hall of Mirrors
Benefit Concert
Thursday 18 January hours 18.00 - Hall of the Pendola, Villa Reale
Presentation of Bruno Olivieri's book " A year different from the others"
conducted by Silvia Sperandio. The readings, introduced by short musical interludes, are by Elda Olivieri.
-Thursday, Feb. 15 6 pm.00 - White Room, Villa Reale
"Fragments of Noble Things"
on the occasion of Remembrance Day
Saturday, January 27, 6 pm.00 Sala degli Specchi, Villa Reale
Dramaturgy: Antonetta Carrabs
Set Readings: Antonetta Carrabs, Silvia Messa, Raffaella Fossati ANTONETTA CARRABS SILVIA MESSA RAFFAELLA FOSSATI with the participation of CLARISSA ARIGOSSI-singing Fondazione Musicale Vincenzo Appiani
- Thursday 7 3 pm.00 Villa De Ferrari Bagatti Valsecchi - Merate
Guided tour and Literary Concert "Amedeo Modigliani" Text and dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs in collaboration with Amici dei Musei and Amici della Musica di Monza
-Thursday, March 21 at 5:30 pm The Mirabello Musicians and Poets' Dinner
Villa Mirabello Park of Monza. World Poetry Day Poetic Concert "Alda Merini" Dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs with the participation of Alberto Casiraghy. In collaboration with Gli Amici della Musica di Monza.
-Friday 22 at 4:30 p.m. Auditorium E. Pogliani Ospedale San Gerardo.
Medicine and Philosophy, a relationship to be discovered. "Fragility and anti-fragility in the relationship." with Leonardo Mendolicchio Psychiatrist
- Saturday 23 5:30 pm Villa Reale Sala degli Specchi
World Water Day. "The Historic Canals of Monza: Pelucca and Principe." Edited by Fausto Crippa geologist. Introduced by Ettore Radice.
-Wednesday, 5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. The Mirabello Musicians and Poets' Coterie
Villa Mirabello Park in Monza. "Johann Wolfgang Goethe on the 275th anniversary of his birth" Poetic Concert. Dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs Critical intervention Raffaella Fossati. In collaboration with Gli Amici della Musica di Monza
-Friday 19 4:30 p.m. Auditorium E. Pogliani Ospedale San Gerardo.
Medicine and Philosophy, a relationship to be discovered. "Words in the Cure" with Nicolo Terminio." Psychotherapist
- Sunday 21 Monza Park Agricultural School.
World Earth Day. "New Music for the Forests" with Tiziano fratus . 4 p.m. Poetic meeting; 6 p.m. Presentation of silvars: "Alberodonti d'Italia" and "New Music for the Forests."
The Queen's Thursdays
A series of poetic/literary meetings promoted by La Casa della Poesia di Monza, the Regina Margherita Literary Park and Valle Lambro Park, in collaboration with the Reggia di Monza.
-Thursday, April 11 6 p.m. - White Room, Villa Reale
"Ligurian Crescent"
-Thursday, June 27 6 p.m. - White Room, Villa Reale
"Fairies between illusions and disicanto. The Feminine Soul and the Poetry of Nature"
-Thursday, May 9, 3 p.m.00 Villa Borromeo D'Adda- Arcore
Guided tour and Literary concert "Frida Kahlo" Text and dramaturgy Antonetta Carrabs in collaboration with Amici dei Musei and Amici della Musica di Monza
- Friday, May 10 Villa Mirabello The Supper Club of Musicians and Poets
"Vittorio Sereni" Poetic concert. Dramaturgy and voice Antonetta Carrabs. Critical intervention by Silvia Messa. In collaboration with Amici della Musica di Monza
- Sunday 19 Villa Reale Sala degli Specchi
La Bella di Monza: 5 pm guided tour in the rose garden N. Fumagalli
6 pm.00 presentation of the art book "Quaderno del roseto", 3 Edizioni d'arte Il Ragazzo innocuo edited by Elisabetta Motta.
With the participation of poets: Paola Loreto, Paola Turroni, Giancarlo Pontiggia, Laura Corraducci, Gianni Salis, Franvca Mancinelli. Musical interventions on harp by Vincenzo Zitello.
-Friday 17 at 4:30 p.m. Auditorium E. Pogliani San Gerardo Hospital
Medicine and Philosophy, a relationship to be discovered. "Philosophical Practice in the Relationship." with Romano Madera, Philosopher
- Sunday 26 at 6 p.m. European Day of Parks - Royal Gardens
"Puccini poetic and musical walk, on the 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini's death." curated by Ettore Radice, in collaboration with Mnemosyne and the Regina Margherita Literary Park and Lambro Valley Park.