Degustando in Bottega at Savini in Milan
Degustando in Bottega at Savini in Milan
Tuesday the 29th of October, at 10.30 a.m., press conference of the initiative Degustando in Bottega, at Savini Milano 1867 in the Gallery V. Emanuele II.
Savini 1867, is an historic shop and restaurant, a place of cultural contamination that, on this occasion, will become the stage to launch an important Cremona's project.
Thanks to the cooperation with Si-Yo Music Society Foundation, during the press conference, it will be possible “to see and listen to” a short concert of Stradivari 1737 Lam ex Scotland University, which is generally exhibited at the Violin's Museum in Cremona (project friends of Stradivari). At the same time, the participants will have the opportunity to discover Cremona’s food and culinary tradition, enhanced by the skills of Savini 1867’s chef.
Moreover, it will be presented the Welcome Card Special Edition, with new tourist proposals to enjoy the soul of Cremona.
Some violin-making workshops will open their doors to the tourists: Abbuehl, Ardoli, Conia, Devanneaux, Fiora, Nolli, Sardone, Scolari, Takahashi and Toto.
The initiative is organized thanks to the contribution of the companies Steel Color and Fattorie Cremona and with the support of Confartigianato and CNA. The technical sponsors are: the Violin’s Museum, Ponchielli Theatre, Target Turismo, Cr.Forma, Savini 1867 and Amadeus, media partner.
Degustando in Bottega
In Cremona in the weekends from the 30th of November 2019 to the 5th of January 2020
The violin-making workshops, which contain the secrets of this ancient art, together with the local food, will be the protagonists of a tourist promotion action, a new way to consume and disseminate the producers’ stories through a direct emotional experience.
Degustando in Bottega allows to enter the places where it is renewed every day the tradition that makes Cremona famous and unique in the world. Thanks to this project every tourist can participate to one part of the making process of a string instrument, accompanied by the words of an expert violin-maker. At the end of the visit, a food-tasting session with some typical products like nougat, mostarda, cheese etc… to taste and enjoy the excellent products of Cremona’s territory.
Welcome Card special edition
You can buy the Welcome Card at the Infopoint of Cremona Municipality. It costs 10 Euros and it offers the possibility to have a guided tour in the town and a lot of discounts in the museums, theatres, restaurants, hotels and shops.
The Welcome Card special edition, offers even more possibilities: a visit in a violin-making workshops, the live performance of Stradivari violin at the Auditorium Giovanni Arvedi of the Violin’s Museum, the visit to Ponchielli Theatre, a tour in the cheese company Fattorie Cremona. The special edition of Welcome Card is available every week-end from the 30th of November 2019 to the 5th of January 2020 at the cost of 10 Euros.