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What can I eat in Cremona?

The main courses of Cremona’s tradition

The strong common elements of the food tradition of Cremona’s territory are translated in rich and tasty menus based on some milestones.  
✔ MARUBINI. In Cremona’s vernacular they are called “marubèen”: they are the traditional filled pasta of Cremona and they are generally served during the Christams Season or on some special days. The fresh pasta is filled with meat, cheese and species; the soup which accompanies it (three different soups, to be precise) is obtained putting in fresh water a chicken/hen/beef/pork piece of meat together with several vegetables. In order to safeguard this ancient receipt, in 2003 some protagonists of Cremona’s culture and of the Italian Cooking Academy included it in an official act of the 16th Century.
✔ BOILED MEAT. This is the main second course of the Christmas season: hen, filled chicken, beef, cotechino etc... The boiled meat is then served with the famous Cremona’s mostarda (fruit in a spicy syrup) and with different vegetable sauces.
✔ SALAMI Cremona’s salami are fundamental for Cremona’s food tradition.
✔ NOUGAT. It is one of the main symbol of the Christmas season: this sweet was born in Cremona in the 16th Century. The nougat was sent by Cremona’s citizens to the Spanish authorities of Milan. According to the legend, this sweet was invented for the weeding of Bianca Maria Visconti and Francesco Sforza, in 1441: on that occasion the bakers gave it the same shape of the Torrazzo, the Cathedral’s bell-tower.

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