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Indro Montanelli Public Gardens
Located in front of the Belgiojoso Garden is the main entrance to the Indro Montanelli Public Gardens, the fourth stop on this green itinerary.
Before us we find a prime example of an urban park for public use, designed in the late 1700s by the architect Giuseppe Piermarini with a "French" layout, and later revised by the architects Giuseppe Balzaretti and Emilio Alemagna in a landscape style.
What makes this park unique is its flora: monumental Metasequoia, a row of horse chestnuts, a bald cypress on the banks of the lake and a hundred-year-old sycamore near the statue dedicated to the journalist Indro Montanelli enrich the garden.
And there's plenty of culture too! Within the park we find Palazzo Dugnani, an historic Milanese palace in a Rococo style, the Ulrico Hoepli Planetarium, designed by the architect Piero Portaluppi and commissioned by the publisher Ulrico Hoepli, and the Padiglione del Caffè, also known as "il Balzaretto" after the architect of the same name, which now houses a nursery school.