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Bergamo three small natural jewels: Val Vertova, Val Sedornia and Val Sanguigno

In these three small side valleys off the Valle Seriana, nature is still untamed and rich in streams, rivers, waterfalls and pools, perfect for enjoying during relaxing walks suitable for the whole family.


Hike to Lake Spigorel
A lovely excursion that in 2 and a half hours (one way) allows walkers to discover this little valley is the uphill route to Lago Spigorel, which starts in Trezzi Alti. After the Cappella di San Carlo, woods and dense vegetation open out into a large pasture with views of Monte Avert behind you. The trail then goes through another lovely wood before the last stretch leading to the lake.

The crystal clear water of Valvertova
The trail up to Bivacco Testa is surrounded by nature, winding through the purest of little waterfalls, the “Marmitte dei Giganti" rock formations and luxuriant, unspoilt vegetation. The start is a mule track in Vertova that runs alongside the river, taking walkers to just before the waterfall in Val de Gru and then on to the Merèl meadows. The trail continues through a wonderful gorge before going up Pradaccio hill and then to Bivacco Testa.

Rocky pyramids and meadows in Val Sanguigno
Granpace mountain refuge is the destination of this lovely excursion through Val Sanguigno. It takes an hour and starts at the Aviasco hydroelectric power plant, winding its way through woods, meadows in bloom, pastures, pools of water and small waterfalls. Along the path you might even catch a glimpse of roe deer or stoats.



1. History. One of the oldest stones in Val Sedornia is the Masso Altare, which dates back to just a few centuries after the birth of Christ.

2. Art. Gandellino, in Val Sedornia, is a picturesque, peaceful village where you can visit the crypt in the church of San Martino.

3. Sport/1. The trails in the Vertova, Sedornia and Sanguigno valleys are also suitable for mountain bikes.

4. Sport/2. You can fish in some sections of Vertova River, but care must be taken
as other sections are protected and here fishing is prohibited.

5. Events. The festival “I sapori della nostra terra”, in Vertova, is a chance to discover popular tradition, relive old crafts, taste and enjoy typical products.

Take me here: Bergamo three small natural jewels: Val Vertova, Val Sedornia and Val Sanguigno

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