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Pizzoccheri Valtellinesi Recipe

They are the symbol of a tradition rich in flavors linked to the land and to the art of cheese making

Pizzoccheri Valtellinesi recipe. It is the defining dish of the entire Valtelline area and represents a unique culinary experience.

This type of pasta has humble origins, prepared with few, simple ingredients: buckwheat flour, vegetables, cheese and butter. Nonetheless, it features a rich, distinct taste that is hard to forget.   

The origin of this recipe are uncertain. There are people who say that the name of these tagliatelle-like noodles derives from the word "piz", meaning "small piece", whay others believe it is a derivation of the ancient Lombard root "bizzo", which meant "morsel".

A few old texts report that they were already eaten in the XIVth century, when these specific crops began to be widespread in agriculture. 

The town of Teglio is one of the localities of the Valtellina with its history mostly connected to this regional delicacy, considered as its official birthplace. Nestled at the heart of the valley, it has always been an important transit point where "furmentùn"started to be cultivated. 

Relevant events focusing on this gastronomic specialty take place here every year, amongst them the Sagra dei Pizzoccheri in july and the Pizzocchero d'Oro in september, attracting numerous enthusiasts of Pizzoccheri Valtellinesi. 

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