• Food & Wine

Today's Recipe

Every day a new recipe to try from the Lombard tradition

Today's recipe. Do you want to impress somebody with an exceptional recipe? Lombardy, with various traditional dishes, will delight guests of all kinds. 

Are you passionate for food and wine tourism? Lombardy and will astonish you by proposing today's specialties. 

Are you still wondering about choosing today's recipe? Discover the region with culinary traditions that have been passed on through generations, you will certainly wish to visit it again. 

If you spend the day in Milan, the breaded cotoletta is a must-have.

Then there is the classic recipe of a Lombardy speciality: risotto. Not only every city but also each family has its own variant of it. The Milanese version requires saffron and ossobuco while the people of Mantua prepare it with pumpkin. 

In wintertime, today's choice is naturally the casoela, made with pork meat and rinds and cabbage. 

Going up the mountains, we recommend Valtellina's pizzoccheri, the taroz and bresaola. If you are near the Lario, try some pickled freshwater fish or fried perch. Don't forget to taste a few slices of goose prosciutto in Pavia with a glass of Franciacorta.

Practice food and wine tourism in Lombardy in the comfort of your kitchen. Find inspiration in today's suggestion and start cooking. 

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