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The cycle road of val bregaglia

Outing in the Val Bregaglia.
  • Cycle Tourism
Tour: The Cycle-Road of Val Bregaglia


A beautiful balcony overlooking the landscape of the Bernina dominating the whole Valmalenco.
  • Mountains

The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

The high route of Valmalenco is a trekking of 8 stage, around 110 km.
  • Active & Green
The high route of Valmalenco - presentation

Picnic areas

  • Mountains
Picnic areas

Valchiavenna and Valle Spluga

High mountain pastures, lakes, rivers and a varied network of hiking trails through nature and mountain villages where time seems to have stood still
  • Active & Green
La Valchiavenna e la Valle Spluga

Hiking with kids in Lombardy - Trails for tourists and athletes

Hiking is an excellent way to enjoy exercise, and Lombardy has some amazing trails for kids and adults to explore in winter. Find out more.
  • Active & Green
Hiking with kids in Lombardy - Trails for tourists and athletes

A day in Chiareggio

A gem in Valmalenco
  • Mountains
A day in Chiareggio

Ski area Valmalenco

More than 60 km of slopes make up the ski area of Alpe Palù, which is the calling card of Valmalenco.
  • Lifestyle
Ski area Valmalenco